New Month, New Goals

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I know January tends to be the month that everyone sets goals and resolutions for the year.
But Saturday night, I had a few hours to think about this new month: February - and just how much I am ready to tackle it. I came up with a list of goals (some personal, some blog-related) that I want to abide by. I like a little challenge, and feel that this would be a great way to start a new month.

1. Embrace the color green. (And try to incorporate it more into my wardrobe)
It's not so much that my wardrobe lacks color because if anything, it really doesn't. #askmyroommateandfriends - they can vouch! But it's more that I want to incorporate certain colors that I normally wouldn't embrace. Like start by adding a green midi skirt. 
( similar bow heels here )

2. Use Tumblr... more. 
I want to start using other social networks more. I've started doing a better job with Pinterest, since I am on it at least twice a day. And if you're not following me on Tumblr (or Pinterest!) feel free to follow me :)

[ last year's NC SBS blogger meet-up at Moon & Lola ]

3. COMMUNICATE with other bloggers.
For reals. Because I feel like this is an essential part of blogging. I get so caught up with wanting people to interact with me through social media, that I completely forget that it isn't a one-way street. You have to give a little to get something back, ya know? :)

[ image here ]

4. Do a better job at handling emails.
Because honestly... I check them in the mornings, stare at them, read them again, and then put them aside. In all realness, what I should be doing is answering those emails earlier so I have time for other things at night.
[ image here ]

5. Read. More. Books.
I used to love it as a kid. But I've been slowly reading more books (not online ones) and maybe it might have to do with the fact that they're required for my English classes ... okay, guilty, but STILL. I want to start getting back into the habit of reading books. 

What are some goals that you've set for yourself this year? I'd love to hear them!

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