All Black Everything

I love how OTK boots give off the illusion of elongated legs. It's a combo I'll never get tired of this winter season because I'm actually short and I'm all for wearing something with a little heel.

Yesterday, classes were cancelled, so my gal pals and I had a snow day filled with brunch, sledding, hiking (did you see my snapchat on that? Ha!), and then came back inside for coffee and movies. Sidenote: we watched Frozen. No explanation needed.

Hope everyone is keeping warm!
What's your favorite thing to do on a snow day?

Come link-up with us at the bottom for our #WIWWlinkup !

Wearing: leather pants: Forever 21 ($15!!) | sweater: old, similar hereOTK boots: ℅ boohoo (sold out) similar here (ON SALE!) | bag: Louis Vuitton (love this one here + here) | hat: Forever 21 (old) very similar here (and it's ON SALE!) | scarf: Chanel | sunglasses: Calico (old) identical here
earrings:  Lisi Lerch | nailpolish: 'The Roxy' ℅ Lilee | lipstick: Revlon's 'Berry Couture' | 

Congrats to our two features this week:
|| blog look: Amy Ann from The Real Arnolds || blog look: Jenna from Visions of Vogue ||

Instagram Link-Up Requirements:
1. We ask that you please follow the hosts on Instagram: @bygracelee | @elizabetheuna | chicstreetstyle | and use the hashtag #wiwwlinkup when posting on Instagram.

2. We will pick ONE blog from the link-up and ONE Instagram post from #wiwwlinkup to feature on the link-up every week, so be sure to let your friends know! We will also contact you if you are featured!

Gracefullee Made

Thanks for linking up with us!


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New Video: 5 Facts About Me


It's All In The Shoes