5 Reasons I Love Christmas

Boy, am I ready for Christmas break.
Ever since my return back to Chapel Hill (aka college life), I've been...
a) drinking too much hot chocolate (that's acceptable in December though, right?)
b) studying for finals (I have my first two at 12 P.M. and another at 4 P.M. today. AHH!)
c) decorating my room with christmas lights (here + here) and holiday decorations.

Because I've been cooped up in my room procrastinating studying, I decided to take a study break to share five reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday.

1. It's tradition for me and my my family to come together downstairs in our living room to set up our Christmas tree and Christmas decorations around the house. We listen to Christmas tunes and sip on hot chocolate while spending time together as a family. Then we usually end up having family movie night afterwards.
*these Christmas decorations are shop-able! Make sure you hover over the images and click them to be taken directly to the link!*

2. Holiday drinks: coffee, latte, green tea... keep. 'em. coming. 
Sidenote: mugs are the perfect holiday gifts - you can directly shop these mugs by clicking on them!

Anyone who knows me knows my love for warm, hot drinks. Even though I drink these year round, I tend to favor holiday drinks more this time of year. You probably remember (here) that I mentioned I wanted to try an eggnog latte. I did, over Thanksgiving Break, and I'm already in LOVE with them!
For those who are curious, I just heated up a mug of this seasonal nog soymilk. Easy peasy. And it's ONLY 80 calories! Hashtag gimme another cup of dat.

Other drinks you may enjoy: 
|| chai tea latte - only 30 CALORIES recipe here | apple pie sangria recipe here ||

3. Blasting Christmas music throughout the house is a regular thing in the Lee household. A few of my favorites are Michael Bublé and Kelly Clarkson, and of course, the traditional Christmas tunes. What are your favorites?
*you can directly purchase that 'Christmas Tree' soy candle by clicking on the image!*

4. I find joy in the gift of giving. It's all about wanting to show your friends + family you appreciate them and all their support for you. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably remember me mentioning how much I love "thank you" notes in letter form. To me, it's more meaningful when someone gifts me with a handwritten note. #randomfactaboutme

I am loving these Kate Spade stationery sets and pens - perfect for writing Christmas cards!
*I even included a few gifts that I'd gift to my loved ones... feel free to shop the items by clicking on the image!*
one // two // three // four // five // six //

5. Holiday shoots are always fun for me. I decided to share a few of my favorite holiday attires that I've worn on the blog. I linked the posts for each image, in case you missed them!

What are your top five reasons you love Christmas? Feel free to share them in the comments!

...AAAND... it's back to the books for me.
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