
As I mentioned in my previous post last week, I spent my weekend "unplugging" from the world of social media. I do admit, this was quite a challenge for me. But for a girl who loves a challenge, I took the initiative to make it happen. Game. On.

Truth be told, I realized just how much social media was draining my happiness. I was constantly refreshing Instagram or checking notifications on Twitter, and getting frustrated when my friends weren't texting me back. All precious time wasted just because I was attached to my phone. That's when I realized I needed a "mind cleanse" and decided to shut off for the weekend. My roommate and suitemates left for home so I was all alone in my suite for the entire weekend and... it felt amazing.

So the question is, what did I do this weekend?
1. went on a two-hour nature walk
2. read a book
3. watched 3 movies by myself (ha ha)
4. I went to the gym twice

This can also be a challenge because as a blogger, it's important to be constantly promoting your blog and your "brand," and answering the question of 'how can I promote without overdoing it?" I think that's a great question that I myself would love to know the answer to. In the meantime, I think I really needed to do this. And get this - I even put on a 'Self Control' app on my MacBook so I wouldn't be tempted to go on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram on my laptop either. 

Now onto the outfit...
Guys. This denim dress may be sold out at the moment but you can ask for it back! Seriously such a comfy oversized dress that is perfect for the upcoming cold months. I paired it with my favorite tartan blanket scarf that I scored for $17. BOOM. (the link is at the bottom!)
P.S. this denim dress has pockets. It really doesn't get any better than that.

 Wearing: dress: Impressions Boutique c/o (sold out, but can request for a restock!) | scarf: Target (and for only $17!) | earrings: The Glam Cave c/o | watch: Wristology Watches c/o | sunglasses: Karen Walker | booties: AmiClubWear c/o | lipgloss: Chanel's '156' (not available) but '4' is similar | 


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What's In My Makeup Bag + Weekend Unplugging