The Thanksgiving Scent

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I actually hope everyone isn't on the Internet viewing blogs today, but in case you are... (insert winking emoji here) I've rounded up a few of my favorite holiday scented candles for today's post. The post below is shop-able, meaning that you can click on the collage and purchase the candles directly! B O O M. 

A little update of my Thanksgiving day: my extended family from Atlanta, GA and Washington, D.C. are all here in Fayetteville, NC with my family and me to celebrate a Thanksgiving brunch. I hope everyone has the best indulging feast and another slice of pumpkin pie today! Because math: two is better than one. Am I right?

Holiday scented candles are the bees knees.

Also, Bath & Body Works may not be associated with rewardStyle, but I'm going to be real and say that I'm more obsessed with their holiday scented candles than any other brand. Check them out here

P.S. something that I really am thankful for is all of you readers. You guys are the reason why I continue doing what I love every day on my blog. Without your feedback, none of this would have been possible. I wouldn't have made it this far. Thank you all for making my 4th blogging year so incredible for me. It touches my heart that I inspire so many of you. So thank you!!

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy

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As If

