Trick Or Sweet

 Happy Halloween!

I am so excited to finally share my Halloween costume with you this year. I even did a sneak peek post yesterday because I couldn't hold it in. I was berry excited, obviously. HA HA.

Tonight, I am putting on this DIY strawberry costume that I put together over Fall Break. After reading Studio DIY's blog on Halloween DIY costumes, I was pretty sold on this one (click to see how I created my DIY costume). I mean, how cute is this ice cream cone costume + this pineapple costume?! You can even find more costume ideas here!

As for tonight's plans, my favorite gal pals and I are hitting up Franklin Street in Chapel Hill. It's safe to say that my roommate / best friend and I are already in festivities mode. Not only did we have a girls movie night with hot apple cider + lots of blankets, but we also made apple-pie sangria and decorated our room for a few guests stopping by tonight. Speaking of, there's even a tutorial that I will share with you all on the apple-pie sangria, so stay tuned for that!

Fun fact: did you know that Halloween on Franklin Street is actually marked as #11 on the Greatest College Traditions? Yeah, it's pretty epic. Last year was a blast. It was incredible to see the entire street blocked off with people in the most creative costumes. I cannot wait for tonight!

Hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween!

Wearing: dress: Forever 21 (in black + white here) also, tried this one on and loved it (it's a bit heavier though!) | bracelet: Lily and Laura bracelets c/o 9th & Elm (30% off!) | 

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