Coral + Turquoise

Random fact: I used to have a Pinterest board dedicated to the coral + turquoise color combo. There was something about this bright and unexpected combination that always seemed so appealing to me. Maybe it was the bright colors or maybe because it's just a fun combination to try. That, I will never know. But what I do know is, it's a color combination I want to definitely wear again in the near future. I'm really loving how well the turquoise heels complement my statement earrings. #matchymatchy

I was kind of hesitant on trying the midi dress trend. Truth is, I had intended to take outfit pictures with the dress folded up (you'll see those pictures when I post the second half of this collaboration on Friday) just because I was unsure of the feedback I would receive. I do care about what you readers think about my outfits and posts, and this is something I struggle with most of the time. #workingonit
 But if my blog has taught me anything, it's that you don't have to look a certain way to rock a trend. So what if you're short? I'm short. As long as you feel good in what you wear, and rock it with confidence, that's all that matters.

Sorry for my little style preaching there, haha! But all in all, I'm living proof that you can be short and still rock this midi dress. Side note: my favorite part about this dress is the gathered detailing at the neckline. 

What are your thoughts on this color combination? Would you ever try it?

Wearing: dress: Shabby Apple c/o | heels: AmiClubWear c/o (sold out) similar here | sunglasses: Karen Walker | earrings: Gemmy Junky (old) similar here + here | two-tone lipstick: Revlon's 'Berry Couture' + Revlon's 'Orange Flip' | bracelet: Armed & Readi c/o | renegade cluster bracelet: Stella & Dot c/o | watch: Timex c/o | nailpolish: Essie's 'Butler Please' |


This post was sponsored by Shabby Apple. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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