Exciting News...

I've got something exciting to share with you guys today.

*drumroll please*
... I've upgraded to a new DSLR with a new set of lens! (The DSLR deets are updated in the 'About Me' section)

Whew. The news is out. Knowing me, I can hardly keep a secret this long. I spent the end of second semester and the entire summer debating whether I should make the purchase and finally took the plunge. I worked all summer and couldn't think of a possibly better reward than this. 
For starters, I know I want to further my fashion blogging hobby, and what better way to move forward than with a brand new DSLR (and lens!) by my side?

I chatted it up with my fellow photographer friends, fashion bloggers, and family about my recent DSLR camera and how limited the features were. My family is very supportive of my blog and agreed that it was about time to move on. I mean, when describing the type of camera I had to "non-camera savvy" people, I merely explained it this way: my DSLR camera is like having the iPhone 3... in 2014. Yeaaah. Pretty old, huh.

The pictures worked just fine, don't get me wrong. I've taken all of my outfit photos with my Canon EOS Rebel XSi, but there have been some frustrations along with it. Such as the terrible low-light photos (I can't shoot in the dark. It sucks), the ISO is 100-1600, and even though I don't use video, it doesn't even have that option.

Speaking of videos, I MAY start doing tutorials with my new camera! What would you like to see me shoot?! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by!
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