13 Facts About Me

I'm a firm believer that getting to know someone is key to forming a solid connection with that person. I follow many bloggers on social networks, but I feel like I judge things based on what they say or by their photos. And believe me, I probably fall under that category as well.
I know many people have a feel for my personal style, but there's so much more about me that you might not have known. Which is why I wanted to share a few facts about me that you probably wouldn't have guessed had I not shared them.

1. My nails have to be painted at all times. If there is a chip, I redo them. If I get bored of the color, I change them. 

2. I used to own a little baby beagle named Sadie until I had to give her away.

3. My blog name used to be Haute Couture before I changed it to Gracefullee Made.

 4. Christmas is my favorite holiday. And why yes, I LOVE the cold. #canimovetothecity

5. Fall is my favorite season. Layers + layers.

6. I started watching Vampire Diaries two years ago. I got so hooked on the TV show and not only caught up, but managed to watch two seasons in 14 days during my winter break. Call me crazy.
I mainly watch TV shows on the CW. I try to steer clear of any other shows only because I get really really into shows that I love and I worry that it'll distract me from my studies - HA!
But if you have recommendations, by all means.... ;)

7. I get my highlights redone at the beginning of a new year. 
This is how I usually see it: "new year, new hair."

8. I used to make bracelets and sell them (pink + blue chain one and the blue ribbon + gold chain bracelet). It was a fun hobby that I got into a few summers ago.

9. I attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a journalism major.

10. I'm a sucker for fresh flowers and incorporate them into every blog shoot that I can. And yes, I'm also willing to pay $20 for 4 sunflowers. 

11. I'm a visual person. So I jot down everything. Even motivating words when I'm feeling down.

12. A LONG time ago, I used to question why people on Instagram took these types of shots. The "from where I stand" poses and then I realized it's a great way to show off details. Now I'm always taking these shots. #guilty

13. My style really differs. Some days I'll wear something bright and colorful and I'll look like a Kate Spade walking ad, but there's also those days when I'll dress in an all-black look. I like to keep people guessing.

 { a few more snaps from my Instagram - are you following along? }

Thanks for stopping by!
If there's anything else you'd like to ask me, feel free to shoot me an email at gracefulleemadeblog@gmail.com !
I'd love to hear from you!
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Stripes, Camera, Action!


Sweet Sweet Summertime