{ weekend, weekend }

We all need a break sometimes. Lately, my past few weekends have consisted of nothing but relaxation. Thanks to Spring Break, I can enjoy these two weeks without having a care in the world.
{ come find me on Instagram: @bygracelee }

 { nails currently: half-moon mani }
{ Saturday mornings spent flipping through J.Crew magazines // inspiration }
{ favorite J.Crew skirt }
{ prom shoes...yes? }
{ reflections }
{ nautical: J.Crew stripes + City Glam's adorable anchor studs and their orange bangle bracelet }
{ enjoying some fresh air }
{ baby Sadie }
{ love my puppy but she sure doesn't know when to stop yapping }
{ sparkles on my sneaker wedges }
{ favorite bow }
{ artsy }
{ my hairstyle lately }
{ nothing like chrome }
{ photo-shoot ready }
{ first signs of Spring }

How have you been spending your weekends?

Pearl of the Hour


Spring Layers