Black & White Affair

Lately, I have been loving the black-and-white combo. As if it hasn't been obvious enough. For example: 
{ here }. It seems as though I have a love and hate relationship with the month of February:

Love: My birthday is on the 24th. {The big 18!}
Hate: Valentine's Day is not fun when you're single.
Love: Shorter month = time will fly by--which is always another day closer to graduation {June 6, 2013}
Hate: This is just about when senioritis kicks in, and focusing in class becomes a more difficult task... and for those who are unfamiliar with the term 'senioritis'...

noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation.

Have a fun-filled weekend! xo

Wearing: Forever 21 sheer top (old), Forever 21 vest (old), gifted chevron bag, Ray Bans aviators, Francesca's earrings, Polo Ralph Lauren baseball cap (same hat, but in white: here), Charlotte Russe glitter sneaker wedges, Forever 21 black skirt

{ It was Homecoming Week at my high school and for Character Day, I decided to be _____   ______. }

P.S. My MsDressy 2nd part of the giveaway ends tomorrow night at 11:59 p.m. I will draw 3 winners from {here} to win three coupons. Sign up if you haven't already!

And the Winners Are...


Giveaway Winner Announced!