Layer On

One of the best things about fall / winter is the ability to layer on everything. Metaphorically speaking. Despite the deceiving sunlight and blooming roses in these shots, the weather was slightly chilly. Fayetteville comes off as a bipolar location for weather and people. I paired this darling Quinn necklace from Suzie Kelly Jewelry over a plaid button-down and a blue sweater. It's unfortunately sold out at the moment but there are a ton more on her site. { hint hint: Audrey Bib is to die for }

Wearing: Forever 21 plaid button-down (old), Emporio Armani sunglasses, 1960 vintage Nikon film camera, Suzie Kelly Jewelry necklace, Forever 21 tweed trouser shorts (old), Target fuchsia heels, Urban Outfitters spike bracelet, DIY rings, Forever 21 leather jacket

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Crème de la Crème