The Goodbye Gossip Girl

A part of me always believed that Dan was Gossip Girl. After all, who else could top Gossip Girl's infamous and yet canny writing in all those e-blasts? Think about it. I had a thrill reminsicing over all the seasons, fashions, cameos, music, cast in the GG montage prior to the season finale episode last Monday. I've always been a Gossip Girl fan from season 1 episode 1 with the 'Pilot' and I've been hooked ever since. As much as I don't want Gossip Girl to end, I believe it's for the better. The episodes and plots have dragged on long enough. In the end, all I needed to see was Chuck and Blair married (wasn't expecting adorable Henry Bass! Eek) and Dan and Serena happily reunited to finish it all off. Though, I was kinda sorta expecting Little J to jump out of her seat in the end and finish it off like: "Surprise! I'm Gossip Girl!"

But hey, it was a good 6 years.
And one of these days, I'll probably buy all 6 boxed DVDs sets and have a bittersweet Gossip Girl marathon with a few gals. Who's with me?
Any thoughts on the finale of all finales?

Wearing: Forever 21 coat (old), sunnies c/o ShopCalico, Louis Vuitton bag, gifted heels

Friends in Loafer Places


Vest Time of Year