Goodbye 2012

 For me, 2012 seemed like the year where I decided to incorporate more color into my wardrobe, take photo-shoots with friends, not be afraid to try new hairstyles, and better yet, understand what kind of style I wanted my readers to see throughout my blog. It was a year of trial and new beginnings. New friendships were made, some destroyed, and some that I wish to hold on to forever. It's hard to believe another year has finally come and gone. I've struggled through the loss of my grandfather, hurt, pain, and sorrow. But also, I've come out a stronger person inside and out. I've been preparing myself for college and acquiring the real friendship with true friends that understand me for who I am.

2012 has been a tough and yet amazing year for me and I am truly grateful for all the people that I have been blessed to meet. As my last and final year in high school, all I can say is... I'm ready to graduate. It's finally my year.

{ Class of 2013}

A Symbol of a New Generation + New Year

