Dotty or Nice

My past weekend consisted of nothing but relaxation. Which is exactly how I planned to spend it, anyway. And nothing says comfort like throwing on a flowy, dotted blouse and a pair of combat boots. 
My family and I put up our Christmas decorations around the house, Christmas lights in my bedroom, and the next thing I know is, Christmas music is blasting from speakers and the family and I are sipping on hot chocolate and watching movies. I love my family more than anything and I treasure all the fun times we cherish together.
It truly is the greatest time of year. 

What do you love most about the holidays?

{ find me on instagram: @grace_lee95 }

Wearing: Forever 21 blouse, Forever 21 boots, Louis Vuitton bag, Forever 21 skirt, H&M necklace (old), GagaCoco from London aviators

Hair Affair


Winter Classics