M-Fuge in Charleston, SC

follow me on instagram: @bygracelee

My past week was one of the best weeks I could experience this summer. I attended a missions camp called M-Fuge in Charleston, South Carolina. I went to Philly last year. From waking up at 6:30 a.m. to sleeping till 12:30 p.m. every night and sharing a dorm room with four girls, exhaustion and sleep deprivation seem to be the words to sum it all up. But as tiring as our daily schedules were, I am so blessed for all that I have, the amazing new people I met, and the experience I got to encounter.
Next year is my last year at Fuge, and I hear we're going to West Palm Beach, Florida...

{My track group}
For Night Life, we had to dress up as spies. So without giving it another thought, I took on Nancy Drew.
My roomies.
 The adorable girls on site that I got to play with all week. They were just the sweetest.

Fishtail & Statement Nail

