Love List

 This being the last day of February and all, I felt the situation called for a list of things I love.
1. I have been drinking lemon with water at least once a day. I love the feeling of  a good and refreshing cleanse.
2. Peonies are my favorite flower. What better way to spend the sunny afternoon than with a bouquet of peonies that smell like spring?
3. Arm party. Without looking too overdone. From Song of Style 
 4. Red bow-shaped gloves. Classy and eye-popping on a chilly, winter day.

 5. Mint-colored pants. These look phenomenal on Liz from Late Afternoon
6. Words of wisdom from my green tea.
7. One of my friend's statement necklace. Love the intricate details of this beauty.
8. Two new birthday presents added to my necklace collection.

What are your favorite things you love at the moment?


Made to Braid


Birthday Weekend