S is for Sarcasm

Now that I'm done with the huge calculus final that I have been literally killing myself over, I can now say that I am relieved to have gotten it over with. My best friend and I enjoyed a pleasant impromptu photoshoot on a concourse a few days ago and it was much needed to end a long tough week. Sometimes all we need to do is to break out and take a 'Blair & Serena' Gossip-Girl photoshoot. Nike. Just Do It. But of course, minus the pastel dresses and New York surroundings for better scenery. Until then, all we have are brick walls and grass and whatever else that is left in barren good old Fayetteville.*
*If it isn't obvious enough, I like to over-exaggerate everything about Fayetteville. S stands for sarcasm. As if it isn't obvious enough.

the "one" pocket

I love the fact that this striped sweater has a one-pocket.
 Wearing: NY&Co. blazer and scarf, F21 oxfords, Anne Taylor denims


Keep Your Head High, Your Heels Higher


Life's Tough. Get a Helmet.