
Normally I jot reminders on paper but this one I felt willing to share. I have just recently found Fashion Coolture's blog through Chictopia and for the past few hours I have become very well acquainted with the 'older posts' button. Quite the inspiration.
 1. Buy eye-popping colored clutches.
 2. Invest in a pair of high-waisted scalloped shorts.
3. Layers. Maxi skirt layered over a gold sequined dress with a lace button-down.
4. Wear blue + sea green color combos not just on Earth Day. {#justajoke}
5. Realize that her shoes are simply amazing (and so is that dress) and that finding a pair of those is mighty slim.
6. or these...
7.  Incorporate a blend of colors into one outfit. 
{posting such a thing will entirely depend on the outcome of the outfit. But definitely will attempt.}
8. Who said pink + red was only worn on the 14th of February?
Thanks to Flávia Desgranges van der Linden, I have a desire to pair these two colors together. 

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Life's Tough. Get a Helmet.


Blue and Me Forever