Quite the Prepster

I greatly sincerely apologize that I have not been looking at any blogs lately. I want you to know that it is hard for me as well. I preach on and on of how inspiring it is to check other blogs during free time, but that only works if there is free time.
Which, in my case there isn't. Hasn't been...like ever since summer. Even this weekend flew by and I haven't gotten to enjoy it thoroughly. My sister did come home this weekend which I spent the past two days with her and I cannot wait to share the exciting photos we took today in this chilly fall weather with you, dear readers (which I am telling you now, required boots and a scarf).
Soon to come. Stay tuned.
Wearing: F21 vest, AE button-down, Ralph Lauren white bow, F21 belt, and oxfords


Autumn's Got Me in a Chokehold


Neapolitan Fall