Sweet Assortment

{This kind of has a Valentine-y feel to it. So wishing I could take photos like this.}

There are some days when I have the tendency of over-exaggerating, but these are not one of them. I'm not going to lie, this has been the most craziest of weeks. Which is also why I haven't been checking out your blogs, do forgive me. From meeting my friends for an impromptu coffee date, to volunteering excessively to the point where I fell asleep on the spot (yes, it's quite possible to doze off while on the air for the radio station. Oops?), to Chobani runs (yes, I practically live on those. So what? Don't judge.), to waking up at 5:50 a.m. every morning for tennis practice... I could keep on complaining but this post isn't meant to be a novel. Nevertheless, I have been exhausted and fatigued while restlessly trying to get through the day.
Which is why a relaxation weekend is in order.

Loving things for the moment:
 {My H&M flower pin that I bought in New York. Still debating on how I should wear it...any suggestions?}
 {I just love rummaging through my jewelry box and finding jeweled pieces that I've forgotten was there.}
 {According to my tweets, my sister and I made this delish fruit cake for my mom's birthday a few days ago. At first it looked like a pancake gone wrong, but my talented sister turned it into this beautiful masterpiece. Of course, all of the baking and making of the cake is imputed towards her. Does preheating the oven count as helping?}
 {Roses my dad surprised my mom with on her birthday. 
And I love entering the kitchen every morning and seeing these beauties sitting on the kitchen table.}
 {Ever since I saw Running on Happiness's lookbook for her giveaway {here}, I have been thinking twice about green handbags. Green isn't the color I'd opt for in a purse, but not taking a chance isn't an option either.}
{Why can't I find a maxi skirt that is aesthetically pleasing as this one?
 {I need to catch up on sleep. I assure you, this will be my weekend.}

Have a splendid weekend!


Little Red Statement Necklace


Stoic Starfish