Milkmaid For You

Today is the first day of school. 
It's quite a chilling thought, really. The beginning of a new year comes with change, new friendships, and new opportunities you never thought were possible. I just don't think my brain has really registered the fact that summer is actually over, yet. It'll take some time getting used to, that's a given. 
Speaking of new things, I have always wanted to try the milkmaid braid. With long hair like mine, I opted for a change of my own and watched milkmaid tutorials to find that the hairstyle is far from difficult.
Just for the heads up, I'm pretty much decked out in Forever 21. I didn't even realize it until it came time to label where my outfit was from. Well, Forever 21 is one of my favorite stores, can you tell?
 Wearing: F21 top, shorts, shoes, leopard belt, Geneva gold watch, H&M mustard bag, Nicaragua earrings from my sister


Denim to Go


Parisian Summer