Memorial Day Weekend

I have a thing for holidays and the fun-filled festivities they bring along with them. Memorial Day weekends in previous years recalled for BBQ cookouts, grilling outdoors with family and friends, and napping for the rest of the evening opposed to baking under the scorching sun. This year, we decided to give our grill a rest and stuck to the mini oven in the kitchen and made homemade buffalo wings. They were hot and spicy, just as any delicious buffalo wings are supposed to be. I am starting to despise the hot humidity Fayetteville has to offer. As soon as school is out {two weeks: 8 1/2 days to be exact}, a vacation out of here will be a top priority of mine. But until then my to-do-list contains these top priorities:
  • study study study for final exams this week.
  • start a summer schedule plan for the next three months.
  • make a summer want and need shopping list.
  • strawberry season is now ending which means savor as much strawberries as I can!
Have a splendid Memorial Day!


Summer like it Hot


Thanks a Latte