Springtime Divine

The balmy, rainy weather last week led me to an apprehensive conclusion of the following statement:
April showers bring May flowers.
The past weekend weather was quite appeasing and delightful I might say, thus creating the perfect setting for a combined family grilling outdoors. Before the sun settled, I did get in my afternoon stroll and errand-runs, all in a day's work. It's quite cliché, really. I'm not one to pay attention to what goes on outdoors (referring to my backyard), and I was in awe when I so happened to peer out my window to find these blooming flowers sprouting beautifully. My choice of flowers vary from time to time. Roses have their say on Valentine's Day, poinsettias on Christmas, but my choices are never slim when it comes down to flowers. Hence the Dogwood Festival we celebrate annually downtown, Fayetteville is in bloom with dogwood trees especially at this time of spring. I am proud to say that there are plenty of dogwood trees located on the premises of my house, thus resulting in the most picture perfect setting for a home. I find roses and flower petals of all sorts to be a furnishing way to ornate one's home. The inhalation of fresh flowers always seem to kindle my spirits and bring me to ease.
 [blooming rose, just how I found it in my backyard. Beautiful? Very.]

All that Glitter and Gold


Ebullient and Flow