Spring Break

Today marks the official beginning of my 10-day Spring Break.
This year I have plans spent in place varying from Myrtle Beach, SC to Washington D.C. Due to the tragic tornado damages in my hometown, my family and I are still determining and clarifying exactly where we plan to stay. So here's a list of things that I plan to accomplish for the next week. I have been experimenting with photography for a while now and I find this break to allow me to do just that. And as for checking out new blogs for inspiration, do share a few of your favorites or leave your own in my comment box. I will check them out for sure!
[Go to Georgetown in D.C.
Shopping purposes, indulging on their cupcakes...etc.
For more info about Georgetown Cupcakes, click here]
[Decorate Easter eggs for Sunday.]
  [Catch up on Gossip Girl and 90210.]
 [Head back to Myrtle Beach, SC.
This shot was taken near the end of March. The water was too cold but hopefully next week it warms up!
beach post here]

What are a few of your favorite blogs?
I will be back..with plenty of pictures to share!


Pastel Perfect


Taupes and Dreams