Crystalline Sky

 With some time to spare, I had fun taking photos on the beach. The weather was phenomenal, though it was slightly too cold to go in the ocean but the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing.
It's not often at times when you get weather like this. Especially at the beach. It's safe to say that today marks the second day of Spring. I love how my mom informs me about the weather every single morning. There isn't a morning when she doesn't. Tomorrow is supposed to be around the 60s and then Tuesday should hit 80. As much as I love summer, I also want to get the most out of spring. I want sunshine and I want the cool breeze. Summer is long enough on its own and I certainly don't want the weather to drastically change from winter to summer. Taking this beautiful weather day by day is just how I like it. 
Spring has sprung.

Colorblock for Spring


Fair Trade Fashionista