Declaration of Adoration

Lauren Conrad has always inspired me when it came to trends and fashion. Which is why I wanted to take her infamous braid and with my own idea, conform my own twisted version.
I promise you, it was definitely a last minute thing. With only five minutes before I was out the door, I had no idea what to do with my hair for school. (I hate days like these when everything is rushed and last minute. I'm more one of those always prepared / organized people who likes to be a little ahead of schedule). I'm telling you, the inspirational pictures plastered on my wall came in handy (one of them being LC) that morning. I literally braided my hair and whipped it into a bun and was out that door.
It was only necessary when people started complimenting my "cool braided bun" all day, that I wanted to blog about it.

Eye Love Mustard


That's Very Sketchy