Style Surplus

I'm loving this 70's style vintage look. It's so classy and the burnt orange is a beautiful color. It's hard looking for those little perfect detailed vintage pieces to put them together to get an amazing outfit like this one. Needless to say, she pulls the outfit off with perfection. It's an interesting mix of patterns really, the leopard bag and the plaid pants. But when mixing patterns, you should be careful because sometimes mixing can turn to tacky. I honestly would've never thought to pair leopard and plaid together and the fact that she did makes me want to mix patterns more often. Mixing patterns is pretty trendy, even though it’s exceptionally hard to do well.
Olivia Palermo mixing patterns = success.
 I'm in love with Olivia Palermo's style. Everything she wears is just soo perfect and stylish.
Cardigan: DvF.
Handbag: Mulberry.

 Last day of break and I'm spending it in relaxation.
Had a Starbucks coffee date with a friend this morning and am now prepping for school which starts back tomorrow. Overall, break was fun while it lasted. But yet I am still super excited for the mid-season premiere of Pretty Little Liars tonight on ABC family. It's a must watch and I wouldn't miss it for the world.


It's a Little Rooomy in Here


A Cheer to the New Year