Retro Revival

I love bright colors, especially the color mustard. Ever since I bought this mustard yellow jacket from Forever 21, I've been looking for something to match the same mustard-y color. Luckily, these mustard tights were the last ones on the shelf in the Forever 21 in D.C. I'd also like to point out the fact that I've used the word 'mustard' in every sentence hahaha.
These Bongo heels are one of the most comfortable shoes in my closet. It's funny because they're pretty high for a pair of heels but comfort is just as important as the style of the shoe.
I decked out in solid fall/winter-y contrasted colors without even thinking about it.
It's amazing how everything seems to fall into place.

 The temperature has really dropped recently here in Fayetteville. If it's going to be this cold outside, might as well have snow...right?!?


Orange you glad it's almost Christmas?


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree