Life is sweet

I had the most exciting week. For the rest of the year, I get to sleep in and not worry about setting my alarm clock early in the mornings. Thank the Lord.
Today...was an exception. It didn't go as well as I hoped it to be...
For starters, it was raining. Yup, first day of Christmas Break and it was raining. No trace of snow either. I mean, considering the fact that it was practically freezing and I didn't bother leaving the house too much because of it.
I told you I'd put my baking pictures up. I had so much fun baking and mixing and decorating these yummy treats. That day my kitchen smelled of peppermints and chocolate - a perfect combo :)
From grabbing the whisk to fetching the eggs, pouring the milk and at the same time trying NOT to make a big mess, I could say I enjoyed my couple of hours of being chef in my household.
To be completely honest, I carry this cute holiday recipe book with me everywhere. I keep it in my handbag along with Lauren Conrad's Style book. Haha I know, but it really does come in handy. Especially when you're hungry....
My finished sugar cookies.
Marble caramel-topped walnut brownies in making. 
Ran out of toothpicks so I used a chopstick to mix the caramel. Haha so much for being prepared.
Cute cookie packaging + baked brownies + baked mint chocolate chip cookies = success!
 How does it all taste?
The chewy bite into the cookie brings a smile. The mint chocolate is excitingly tasty. The caramel-topped brownies are delicious. The milk chocolate with peppermint is classic and rich.
The variations are, well... endless.

But it amazes me how you can start out having a bad day to ending with a great one.
Spent the rest of the night with my family, opening a few Christmas presents (because my mom is visiting Korea over Christmas so she'll be leaving soon) while eating leftover brownies / cookies.
There is nothing like sipping delicious hot chocolate on a cold winter night. Which is why I made steaming hot chocolate and sprinkled peppermint candy canes and fluffy marshmallows that melt in your mouth on top while sitting around the couch watching movies for the rest of the night. There's really nothing better than spending the holidays with your family <3
 The outcome.

Desserts with candy canes are 'mint' for me


You're Number ONE on my Wishlist Baby